Dinner Friday was lasagne. I had been planning to make a lasagne all week, so I had many of the ingredients, but had totally forgotten the cream we usually use. As such, I left the recipe behind and ventured into the exciting world of throwing everything that looks tasty into the frying pan.

Beef was cheapest if we bought a kilo, so the lasagne was quite meaty. We have been swimming in onions, so I threw the two largest in once the beef was thawed and browned. I also discovered a bundle of carrots in a fridge draw that I had forgotten about, so they went in too. We had a can of diced tomatoes, and Gwen has been agitating for more green leafies, so there was boiled spinach and canned tomatoes. (The amounts of both of these could have been increased, and I'm not sure the spinach needed boiling.) This whole concoction stewed for a while as I prepared the noodles.

Our biggest pot isn't quite large enough for lasagne, so it was quite a hassle getting the noodles in. After that, the noodles were straightforward as usual.

A lasagne of course needs cheese, but Parmesan is a nuisance and Cheddar didn't seem right, so I sprinkled crumbled Feta on each layer. This worked quite well, and added the only salt in this recipe. After 45 minutes of baking, we had enough lasagne for the two of use to eat all weekend.